End of days

“Expect death”

A story is built and left to tell itself. A speaker speaks in such a way the listener loves listening and listener listens in such a way the speaker loves to speak. As Robert frost states that life education can be summed up all together and the conclusion is that life goes on.

A child is always expected, a human is expected to grow, a man is expected to develop but is death expected? A question that is answered in regards from personal decisions and attributes. Endings are not always bad but they can, however most times they are just beginnings in disguise.

Each and every man’s life ends the same way just because it’s the end of humanism but details of how he lived and how he died that distinguishes one man from another. The question is how is your living and how will you die that can distinguish your’s   from others.





                           If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.

                                       The scariest moment is always just before you start.

                                                                 Actuarial magazine.

                                                                      “NICK THE ACTUARY

                                                      TO BE LAUCHED SHORTLY !!!!


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